Tuesday 5 January 2016

Central image : The central image is of Bond who is the main character looking confident and independent . The low angle shot makes him look more dominant and important rather than weak and vulnerable . The gun in his hand makes the reader infer that there will be action and violence .

Secondary image : The secondary image is of a man with a mask on , supposedly to conceal his identity . This could suggest that there will be surprises and shocks in the film . This would excite the audience as it creates suspense and makes them wonder what could happen in the film .

Slogan : The slogan is very short but many people know what to refer to when they hear it . The "007" is placed under the title of the film which makes it easier for people to see . At the end of the 7 , there is the tip of a gun that makes it look like a whole gun as it is attached to the 7 . This also indicates to the audience that there will be violence in the film .

Release date : There is no release date on the poster . However , it does say coming soon which creates a buzz for people that are interested in the Bond films .

Iconography : The gun in his hand defiantly tells the audience that the film is in the action genre . This is because guns represent violence and drama which both occur in action genre films .

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